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It's OK to Move! Effect of a Brief Video on Community Confidence in Activity Despite Back Pain: A Randomized Trial
Edel T. O'Hagan, Adrian C. Traeger, Siobhan M. Schabrun, Sean O'Neill, Benedict M. Wand, Aidan G. Cashin, Christopher M. Williams, Ian A. Harris, James H. McAuley
Risk of Iron Deficiency in Women With Endometriosis: A Population-Based Prospective Cohort Study
Dereje G. Gete, Jenny Doust, Sally Mortlock, Grant Montgomery, Gita D. Mishra
How is postoperative pain after hip and knee replacement managed? An analysis of two large hospitals in Australia
Giovanni E. Ferreira, Asad E. Patanwala, Hannah Turton, Aili V. Langford, Ian A. Harris, Chris G. Maher, Andrew J. McLachlan, Paul Glare & Chung-Wei Christine Lin
Clinical indicators to monitor health care in low back pain: a scoping review
Vanessa L Dos Santos, Karen S Sato, Chris G Maher, Rubens V.C Vidal, Guilherme H.D Grande, Leonardo O. P Costa, Gustavo C Machado, Giovanni E Ferreira, Rachelle Buchbinder, Crystian B Oliveira
Applying the Milan models to setting analytical performance specifications – considering all the information
Graham R.D. Jones, Katy J.L. Bell, Ferruccio Ceriotti, Tze Ping Loh, Sally Lord, Sverre Sandberg, Alison F. Smith, Andrea Rita Horvath
Jason A Wallis, Allison M Bourne, Rebecca L Jessup, Renea V Johnston, Aviva Frydman, Sheila Cyril, Rachelle Buchbinder
What influences antibiotic initiation? Developing a scale to measure nursing behaviour in residential aged-care facilities
Saniya Singh, Chris Degeling, Peta Drury, Amy Montgomery, Peter Caputi, Frank P. Deane
Anti-inflammatories as adjunct treatment for cellulitis: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Laura Hamill, Gerben Keijzers, Scott Robertson, Chiara Ventre, Nuri Song, Paul Glasziou, Anna Mae Scott, Justin Clark & Krishan Yadav
Implementation of supplemental physiotherapy following hip fracture surgery: a protocol for the process evaluation of a randomised controlled trial
Eleanor Raper, Lara A. Kimmel, Angela T. Burge, Ian A. Harris, Ilana N. Ackerman, Richard S. Page, Justine M. Naylor, Graham Hepworth, Belinda Gabbe, Christina L. Ekegren, Anthony Harris, Maame Esi Woode & Anne E. Holland
Secular trends in gabapentinoid dispensing by compensated workers with low back pain: a retrospective cohort study
Stephanie Mathieson, Alex Collie, Christopher G Maher, Christina Abdel Shaheed, Ting Xia, Stephen Gilbert, Giovanni E Ferreira, Michael F Di Donato
Development and validation of the Vaccine Barriers Assessment Tool for identifying drivers of under-vaccination in children under five years in Australia
Jessica Kaufmann, Jane Tuckerman, Carissa Bonner, David N. Durrheim, Daniel S.J. Costa, Lyndal Trevena, Jorg Henseler, Margie Danchin
A summary of the 2023 Society of Obstetric Medicine of Australia and New Zealand (SOMANZ) hypertension in pregnancy guideline
Renuka Shanmugalingam, Helen L Barrett, Amanda Beech, Lucy Bowyer, Tim Crozier, Amanda Davidson, Marloes Dekker Nitert, Kerrie Doyle, Luke Grzeskowiak, Nicole Hall, Hicham Ibrahim Cheikh Hassan, Annemarie Hennessy, Amanda Henry, David Langsford, Vincent WS Lee, Zachary Munn, Michael J Peek, Joanne M Said, Helen Tanner, Rachel Taylor, Meredith Ward, Jason Waugh, Linda LY Yen, Ellie Medcalf, Katy JL Bell, Deonna Ackermann, Robin Turner, Angela Makris
How Much Physiotherapy, Chiropractic, and Osteopathy Care Do Compensated Australian Workers with Low Back Pain Receive? A Retrospective Cohort Study
Michael Di Donato, Shannon Gray, Luke R. Sheehan, Rachelle Buchbinder, Ross Iles & Alex Collie
Effectiveness of implementation strategies for increasing clinicians’ use of five validated imaging decision rules for musculoskeletal injuries: a systematic review
Priti Kharel, Joshua R. Zadro, Grace Wong, Kittirut Rojanabenjawong, Adrian Traeger, James Linklater & Christopher G. Maher
Risk of early revision in total hip arthroplasty: the relative contribution of the surgeon versus the hospital
Cameron Handford, Ryan Campbell, Michelle Lorimer, Robert Molnar, Ian A Harris
Eliminate all risks: A call to re-examine the link between canine scabies and rheumatic heart disease
Victoria J. Brookes ,Caitlin E. Henning, Kate A. Worthing, Chris Degeling
Clinician and health service interventions to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions generated by healthcare: a systematic review
Kristen Pickles, Romi Haas, Michelle Guppy, Denise A O'Connor, Thanya Pathirana, Alexandra Barratt, Rachelle Buchbinder
Updating the Data: The Resource Consumption of Modern-Day Hemodialysis Systems
Katherine A. Barraclough, Steve Moller, Susan Blair, Richard Knight, John W. Agar, Scott McAlister, Anthea White, Matthew Sypek
How often are infusion sets for central venous catheters changed in Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Units? A point prevalence survey
Matthew H. Anstey, Nicky Maxwell, Claire M. Rickard, Naomi E. Hammond, Serena Knowles, Forbes McGain, The George Institute for Global Health and the Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Society Clinical Trials Group, Steering Committee members
Lifestyle advice from general practitioners and changes in health-related behaviour in Australia: secondary analysis of 2020–21 National Health Survey data
Loai Albarqouni, Hannah Greenwood, Caroline Dowsett, Paul P Glasziou