Upcoming events that are either hosted by Wiser Healthcare partners or are of interest to the Wiser Healthcare Community

2025 Value-Based Health Care (VBHC) Congress
The Value-Based Health Care (VBHC) Congress places a spotlight on the transformation needed to improve the outcomes of Australians and the sustainability of our health system.

Preventing Overdiagnosis 2025 International Conference
This 3-day face to face conference will include a number of lively plenary debates about controversial and timely issues, involving high-profile players from across the health care landscape. Our aim is to identify and explore desired change and the implications to all stakeholders.

IHF World Hospital Congress
The World Hospital Congress is a unique global forum connecting leaders and decision-makers of hospitals, health services, and healthcare organizations.
ACHEEV Symposium (free)
Engaging individuals, engaging communities: equality, marginalisation, and inclusion in health.
When: 10:00am-5:30pm, Friday 6th December 2024 Where: Room G10, Building 29, University of Wollongong.