About Us

A multi-institutional collaboration, supporting evidence-based sustainable healthcare for everyone by producing and translating high-quality research.

Equity, Sustainability, Reducing harm in healthcare

What is Wiser Healthcare?

Wiser Healthcare is an Australian research collaboration initially formed with the aim to reduce overdiagnosis and overtreatment by investigating the extent of the problem, its causes, and its possible solutions. Wiser Healthcare has since expanded its remit to reducing medical overuse and increasing the equity and environmental sustainability of healthcare in Australia and around the world.

Established in 2016 with two related grants through the National Health and Medical Council (NHMRC) Centre for Research Excellence (2016-2021, $25m) and a Program Grant (2017-2021, $10m), a further investment by the NHMRC which created a new Centre of Research Excellence (2022-2026, $2.5m) has ensured the continued existence of Wiser Healthcare through to 2027. As of 2021, Wiser Healthcare Researchers have generated >700 publications and conducted over 200 joint projects.

Overdiagnosis and overtreatment are now acknowledged in many areas of medicine. Specific areas we have focused on include:

  • Mammograms for early detection of breast cancer

  • Ultrasound, CT scanning and MRI scanning for early detection of thyroid cancer

  • X-ray and CT for back pain

  • High-sensitivity troponin testing for early detection of myocardial ischaemia (to detect reduced blood flow to the heart)

  • Prostate Specific Antigen testing for early detection of prostate cancer

  • Genetic tests for risk assessment in inherited heart disease

  • Genetic tests used to predict whether people will develop haematological cancers (blood cancers)

It is counterintuitive to think that sometimes people don’t need to know that they have a ‘disease’. The methods for quantifying overdiagnosis are difficult and contested. Firmly-established healthcare practices are hard to change. These are just some of the reasons that it has been challenging to make progress on the problem of overdiagnosis. Wiser Healthcare aims to produce the research that is needed to support effective action to reduce overdiagnosis and overtreatment.

OVERDIAGNOSIS occurs when commonly-used diagnoses in health and medical care for a condition are given correctly (according to relevant health professionals) but this diagnosis produces more harm than good.

OVERTREATMENT, which generally follows overdiagnosis, occurs when people get treatment they don’t need. Because they don’t need the treatment, they are unlikely to get any benefits from it, but may experience side effects or other harms.

There are a lot of reasons that overdiagnosis occurs. Some common examples are as follows.

  • Expert panels may agree to expand the definition of diseases, so that more and more people at lower and lower risk are diagnosed with the disease.

  • Technology becomes increasingly sensitive, picking up smaller and smaller changes in the body that may never cause problems for the person.

  • Diseases behave in unexpected ways: small cancers, for example, sometimes grow extremely slowly, or even go away, so they will never cause problems for the person, and there’s no benefit in knowing they are there. However, more refined or increased testing may pick these cases up.

Diagnosing these people who don’t need to be diagnosed, leads to a number of problems including psychological harms like anxiety, physical harms like treatment complications, redirection of healthcare resources away from the people who need it and towards those who don’t, and the creation of more people in society who think of themselves as sick, or as survivors of a disease.

The Figure below is a worst-case scenario illustration of how overdiagnosis and overtreatment can happen in a population.


  • Randomised Control Trials / Clinical Trials

  • Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis

  • De-carbonising healthcare, including Lifecycle Analysis (LCA)

  • Health Services Research and Implementation

  • Behaviour Change, including Audit and Feedback

  • Qualitative Research Design

  • Health Literacy and Shared Decision Making

  • Deliberative Democratic Processes

  • Health Technology Assessment

  • Screening and Diagnostic Test Evaluation

  • Social Media Research

  • Consumer Engagement and Consumer-Led Research


Collaborative: we are >130 researchers and consumers from across Australia working together to address important health problems.

Codesigned: our research is developed in collaboration with consumers and other stakeholders.

Evidence-Based: we rely on high-quality analysis of global knowledge.

Impact-Oriented: we focus on reducing harms and increasing benefits and fairness in healthcare.

Interdisciplinary with a team of experts: expertise including epidemiologists, biostatisticians, data scientists, health psychologists, health ethicists, social scientists, journalists, consumers, clinicians, health policy researchers and economists.

Independent: we manage conflicts of interest and avoid industry funding.

Solutions-Oriented: we provide practical support to policymakers and healthcare workers.