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Development of a patient decision aid for people with chronic low back pain and degenerative disc disease considering lumbar fusion: A mixed-methods study
Yesung Cho, Marnee J. McKay, Joshua R. Zadro, Tammy Hoffmann, Chris G. Maher, Ian Harris, Ralph Stanford, Manuela L. Ferreira, Rachelle Buchbinder, Christopher S. Han, Giovanni E. Ferreira.
Surgery for Olecranon Fractures in the Elderly (SOFIE)Results of the SOFIE Randomized Controlled Trial
Mithun A Joshi, Michael Le, Ryan Campbell, Brahman Sivakumar, John Limbers, Ian A Harris and Michael Symes.
A systematic review of qualitative studies examining barriers and facilitators to orthopaedic surgeon engagement with patient-reported outcome measures data
Emma L. Heath, Ian A. Harris, Lorena Romero & Ilana N. Ackerman.
Assessing the Accuracy of Cardiovascular Disease Prediction Using Female-Specific Risk Factors in Women Aged 45 to 69 Years in the UK Biobank Study
Jenny Doust, Mohammad Reza Baneshi, Hsin-Fang Chung, Louise Forsyth Wilson and Gita Devi Mishra.
Implementing an enhanced recovery from surgery pathway to reduce hospital length of stay for primary hip or knee arthroplasty: a budget impact analysis
Melanie Lloyd, Zanfina Ademi, Ian A Harris, Justine Naylor, Peter Lewis, Richard de Steiger, Rachelle Buchbinder, Anthony Wan & Ilana N Ackerman.
Describing randomization in trials included in systematic reviews in orthopaedic surgery
Matthew Tang, Kimberley K. Lun, Adriane M. Lewin & Ian A. Harris.
The influence of implant factors on patient outcomes in primary total knee arthroplasty
Jan Peter Van Meirhaeghe, Ian A. Harris, Alana Cuthbert, Michelle Lorimer, Michael McAuliffe, Sam Adie, Robert Molnar,
Aspirin for thromboembolic prophylaxis emerging from the uncertain world of observational evidence
Harris IA, Sidhu VS, MacDessi SJ, Solomon M, Haddad FS.
A Decision Aid for Patients Considering Surgery for Sciatica: Codesign and User-Testing With Patients and Clinicians
Julie Ayre, Richie Kumarage, Hazel Jenkins, Kirsten J. McCaffery, Christopher G. Maher, Mark J. Hancock
How Does the New Australian EQ-5D-5L Value Set Impact Utility Scores? Analysis of Data from the Australian Orthopaedic Association National Joint Replacement Registry
Ilana N. Ackerman, Richard Norman, Ian A. Harris, Kara Cashman, Michelle Lorimer, Stephen Gill, Peter Lewis & Sze-Ee Soh
The achievement of pre-operative expectations in patients undergoing knee arthroplasty: a cohort study evaluating unique patient goals
Sascha Karunaratne, Ian Andrew Harris, Mark Horsley, Lyndal Trevena & Michael Solomon
Accounts of harm and conflicts of interest in transvaginal mesh: Professional evaluations during an Australian Senate Inquiry
Mina Motamedi, Chris Degeling, Stacy M. Carter
Second opinion in lower limb total joint arthroplasty: do surgeons agree on surgical management?
Sascha Karunaratne, Ian Andrew Harris, Mark Horsley, Lyndal Trevena, Michael Solomon
How is postoperative pain after hip and knee replacement managed? An analysis of two large hospitals in Australia
Giovanni E. Ferreira, Asad E. Patanwala, Hannah Turton, Aili V. Langford, Ian A. Harris, Chris G. Maher, Andrew J. McLachlan, Paul Glare & Chung-Wei Christine Lin
Implementation of supplemental physiotherapy following hip fracture surgery: a protocol for the process evaluation of a randomised controlled trial
Eleanor Raper, Lara A. Kimmel, Angela T. Burge, Ian A. Harris, Ilana N. Ackerman, Richard S. Page, Justine M. Naylor, Graham Hepworth, Belinda Gabbe, Christina L. Ekegren, Anthony Harris, Maame Esi Woode & Anne E. Holland
Risk of early revision in total hip arthroplasty: the relative contribution of the surgeon versus the hospital
Cameron Handford, Ryan Campbell, Michelle Lorimer, Robert Molnar, Ian A Harris
Development of a patient decision aid for children and adolescents following anterior cruciate ligament rupture: an international mixed-methods study (Copy)
Andrew R Gamble, Marnee J McKay, David B Anderson, Evangelos Pappas, Ignatius Alvarez Cooper, Sophie Macpherson, Ian A Harris, Stephanie R Filbay, Kirsten McCaffery, Rachel Thompson, Tammy C Hoffmann, Christopher G Maher, Joshua R Zadro
Participant recruitment and attrition in surgical randomised trials with placebo controls versus non-operative controls: a meta-epidemiological study and meta-analysis
Pragadesh Natarajan, Spiro Menounos, Laura Harris, Masiath Monuja, Alexandra Gorelik, Teemu Karjalainen, Rachelle Buchbinder, Ian A Harris, Justine M Naylor, Sam Adie
Patients’ perspectives on quality and patient safety failures: lessons learned from an inquiry into transvaginal mesh in Australia
Mina Motamedi, Chris Degeling & Stacy M. Carter
Aspirin as Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis in Arthroplasty Patients: An Analysis of Clinical Practice Guidelines Recommendations
Kimberley K. Lun, Matthew Tang, Adriane Lewis, Ian A. Harris