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Patterns of antidepressant use in people with low back pain: A retrospective study using workers' compensation data
Giovanni E. Ferreira, Michael Di Donato, Christopher G. Maher, Christina Abdel Shaheed, Stephanie Mathieson, Alex Collie
Secular trends in gabapentinoid dispensing by compensated workers with low back pain: a retrospective cohort study
Stephanie Mathieson, Alex Collie, Christopher G Maher, Christina Abdel Shaheed, Ting Xia, Stephen Gilbert, Giovanni E Ferreira, Michael F Di Donato
Patients’ perspectives on quality and patient safety failures: lessons learned from an inquiry into transvaginal mesh in Australia
Mina Motamedi, Chris Degeling & Stacy M. Carter
Children’s voices must be included in policy development to mitigate society’s betrayal of children
Susan dosReis, Rowan Willis-Gorman, Laura Anderson, Laura Duncan, James A Gaudino, Robin T Wilson, Camille Raynes-Greenow