Climate change

Survey of intensive care unit staff views on a newly introduced reusable isolation gown – Nikolaos Angelopoulos et. al

2023-01-11T11:42:10+11:00Carbon neutral, Climate change, Publications, Sustainable health care|

The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has dramatically increased disposable personal protective equipment (PPE) use, contributing to increased medical waste and other environmental concerns. Barrier gowns are the second-most used PPE item. Although reusable gowns offer superior barrier performance with lower environmental impacts, 80% of [...]

Overdiagnosis is increasing the carbon footprint of healthcare – Alex Barratt & Forbes McGain

2022-01-06T04:00:45+11:00Carbon neutral, Climate change, Overdiagnosis, Publications|

The rise and rise of overdiagnosis—and its corollaries, over-testing and overtreatment—has unfolded synchronously with the health emergency caused by climate change. Climate change will drive ever more people to seek medical care for exposure to extreme heat, drought, floods, fire and extreme weather, vector borne [...]

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