Carbon neutral

Environmental impact of eliminating routine supplemental oxygen for Caesarean delivery: a breath of fresh air – Richard Seglenieks et al.

2022-03-10T16:28:47+11:00Carbon neutral|

Small changes in practice, when implemented throughout healthcare systems around the world, can have sizable positive impacts on the environment and on healthcare costs. It is important for the medical profession to review legacy practices and reconsider interventions with no or low benefit to patients.

Carbon Footprint of General, Regional, and Combined Anesthesia for Total Knee Replacements – Forbes McGain

2022-01-06T04:05:28+11:00Carbon neutral, Musculoskeletal, Publications, Surgery|

Health care itself contributes to climate change. Anesthesia is a “carbon hotspot,” yet few data exist to compare anesthetic choices. The authors examined the carbon dioxide equivalent emissions associated with general anesthesia, spinal anesthesia, and combined (general and spinal anesthesia) during a total knee replacement.

Overdiagnosis is increasing the carbon footprint of healthcare – Alex Barratt & Forbes McGain

2022-01-06T04:00:45+11:00Carbon neutral, Climate change, Overdiagnosis, Publications|

The rise and rise of overdiagnosis—and its corollaries, over-testing and overtreatment—has unfolded synchronously with the health emergency caused by climate change. Climate change will drive ever more people to seek medical care for exposure to extreme heat, drought, floods, fire and extreme weather, vector borne [...]

Overdiagnosis is increasing the carbon footprint of healthcare – Alex Barratt & Forbes McGain

2021-10-05T10:41:21+11:00Carbon footprint, Carbon neutral, Overdiagnosis, Publications|

Clinical practice varies—some is excellent, delivering high quality care, improving health outcomes, and representing excellent value for money. But research over the past two decades has established that a significant minority of clinical care is low value, wasteful, or harmful. At the extreme end of [...]

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