
Croakey – An urgent call for governments to improve pandemic communications, and address health literacy concerns

2024-02-11T15:20:01+11:00COVID-19, Health literacy, News|

The COVID-19 crisis is highlighting an urgent need to improve the health literacy of our institutions and the public, according to the authors below. Millions of Australians do not have sufficient health literacy to understand complex COVID-19 communications, and this problem is exacerbated by the [...]

The Conversation – Hospitals have stopped unnecessary elective surgeries – and shouldn’t restart them after the pandemic

2020-05-20T14:58:24+10:00Low-value care, News, Surgery|

Part of Australia’s response to the coronavirus pandemic was a severe reduction in elective surgery, and so private hospitals have stood almost empty for a month now. People who might otherwise have had a procedure are experiencing “watchful waiting”, where their condition is monitored to assess [...]

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