Low-value care

Estimating misclassification error in a binary performance indicator: case study of low value care in Australian hospitals

2021-05-28T10:54:48+10:00Low-value care, Publications|

Indicators based on hospital administrative data have potential for misclassification error, especially if they rely on clinical detail that may not be well recorded in the data. We applied an approach using modified logistic regression models to assess the misclassification (false-positive and false-negative) rates of [...]

BMC Health Services Research – Hospital characteristics associated with low-value care in public hospitals in New South Wales, Australia – Tim Badgery-Parker, Sallie-Anne Pearson, Adam Elshaug

2020-08-28T15:23:58+10:00Low-value care, Publications|

Rates of low-value care vary between hospitals in New South Wales, Australia. Understanding factors associated with this variation will help in understanding the drivers of low-value care and in planning initiatives to reduce low-value care.

Estimating misclassification error in a binary performance indicator: case study of low value care in Australian hospitals – Tim Badgery-Parker, Sallie-Anne Pearson & Adam Elshaug

2020-05-20T15:25:19+10:00Low-value care, Publications|

Considerable effort is made worldwide to measure performance of health systems, to ensure care is safe, high quality, effective and cost-effective. Many performance indicators involve rates of occurrence of an event, such as mortality, readmission, or complication rates. Commonly, these rates are estimated using administrative [...]

The Conversation – Hospitals have stopped unnecessary elective surgeries – and shouldn’t restart them after the pandemic

2020-05-20T14:58:24+10:00Low-value care, News, Surgery|

Part of Australia’s response to the coronavirus pandemic was a severe reduction in elective surgery, and so private hospitals have stood almost empty for a month now. People who might otherwise have had a procedure are experiencing “watchful waiting”, where their condition is monitored to assess [...]

Open Access Book: ‘Wasted Buys’ chapter of Best, Wasted & Contestable Buys in NCD Prevention – Adam Elshaug et al.

2020-03-24T07:54:48+11:00Low-value care, Publications|

Created by an international consortium of experts, this informative and accessible book provides practical guidelines, key learning points, and dynamic, real-world case studies to aid NCD program managers, policy officers and decision-makers in low- and middle-income countries, so that they can assess interventions for the [...]

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