End of life

Distributive justice and value trade-offs in antibiotic use in aged care settings – Jane Williams, Sittichoke Chawraingern & Chris Degeling

2024-07-30T10:12:09+10:00Ageing, Antibiotics, End of life, Ethical considerations, Overuse, Publications|

Residential aged care facilities (RACF) are sites of high antibiotic use in Australia. Misuse of antimicrobial drugs in RACF contributes to antimicrobial resistance (AMR) burdens that accrue to individuals and the wider public, now and in the future. Antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) practices in RACF, e.g. [...]

Less is more for greener intensive care – Katy J. L. Bell & Rachel Stancliffe

2024-06-05T13:31:10+10:00Carbon footprint, Carbon neutral, Climate change, End of life, Low-value care, Overdiagnosis, Overtesting, Publications, Sustainable health care|

Climate change threatens human health and increases demand for healthcare. Global temperature is rising in near linear relationship with increasing carbon dioxide (CO2) in Earth’s atmosphere, bringing hotter and more extreme weather. Health consequences include direct injuries, deaths and illness, and indirect effects such as [...]

Nurses’ Anxiety Mediates the Relationship between Clinical Tolerance to Uncertainty and Antibiotic Initiation Decisions in Residential Aged-Care Facilities – Saniya Singh et al.

2024-06-03T14:49:32+10:00Ageing, Antibiotics, End of life, Ethical considerations, Overuse, Prescribing, Publications, Risk|

Diagnostic uncertainty, risk perceptions, time constraints, and pressure from resident/family members and nurses have been identified as potential barriers to reducing antibiotic prescribing in residential aged-care facilities. The current study investigated the relationship between nurses’ anxiety, clinical tolerance of uncertainty, and behaviors that favor antimicrobial [...]

The dilemmas of antimicrobial stewardship in aged care: The perspectives of the family members of older Australians – Chris Degeling PhD et al.

2023-03-01T12:29:43+11:00Ageing, Antibiotics, End of life, Overuse, Prescribing, Publications, Shared decision making|

Antimicrobial resistance makes the misuse of antibiotics in residential aged care facilities (RACFs) a significant concern. Family members influence antibiotic prescribing for RACF residents, but there is limited understanding of the beliefs and knowledge that drive their involvement.

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