Disease labels

The benefits and harms of receiving a polycystic ovary syndrome diagnosis: A qualitative study of women’s experiences – Tessa Copp et al.

2019-11-19T11:37:47+11:00Disease labels, PCOS, Publications|

This study explored the benefits and harms of being diagnosed with PCOS for women in the community. We found that some women benefited greatly from a diagnosis of PCOS. For example, the diagnosis gave them an explanation for bothersome symptoms and a greater understanding of [...]

Public perceptions of changing the terminology for low-risk thyroid cancer: a qualitative focus group study – Brooke Nickel et. al.

2019-05-16T09:28:47+10:00Cancer, Disease labels, Publications, Thyroid cancer|

This stufy found a strong and apparently widely held desire for more information surrounding the topic of overdiagnosis and overtreatment. Careful consideration of how to inform both the public and current patients about the implications of a change in terminology, including changes to patients’ follow-up [...]

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