Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children: more focus on care and support, less on diagnosis – Luise Kazda et al.

2024-02-13T13:02:45+11:00ADHD, Definition complexity, Diagnostic system, Disease labels, Mental Health, Prescribing, Publications|

ADHD diagnoses continue to increase, but Luise Kazda and colleagues argue that the push for diagnosis could be hampering access to care and support for children. The prevalence of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children has been rising for several decades, including in countries with previously [...]

Increased diagnosis of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder despite stable hyperactive/inattentive behaviours: evidence from two birth cohorts of Australian children – Luise Kazda et al

2022-09-14T12:18:13+10:00ADHD, Publications|

Globally, ADHD diagnoses have increased substantially and there is concern that this trend does not necessarily reflect improved detection of cases but that overdiagnosis may be occurring. We directly compared ADHD diagnoses with ADHD-related behaviours and looked for changes across time among Australian children in [...]

Evidence of potential overdiagnosis and overtreatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children and adolescents: protocol for a scoping review – Luise Kazda et al.

2020-01-23T10:51:14+11:00ADHD, Mental Health, Publications|

Worldwide, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) diagnosis rates in children and adolescents have been increasing consistently over the past decades, fuelling a debate about the underlying reasons for this trend. While many hypothesise that a substantial number of these additional cases are overdiagnosed, to date [...]

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