About Thomas Dakin

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So far Thomas Dakin has created 418 blog entries.

How common is imaging for low back pain in primary and emergency care? Systematic review and meta-analysis of over 4 million imaging requests across 21 years – Aron Downie et. al.

2023-01-11T16:13:11+11:00Low back pain, Musculoskeletal, Publications|

One in four patients who presented to primary care with LBP received imaging as did one in three who presented to the emergency department. The rate of complex imaging appears to have increased over 21 years despite guideline advice and education campaigns.

Public perceptions of changing the terminology for low-risk thyroid cancer: a qualitative focus group study – Brooke Nickel et. al.

2019-05-16T09:28:47+10:00Cancer, Disease labels, Publications, Thyroid cancer|

This stufy found a strong and apparently widely held desire for more information surrounding the topic of overdiagnosis and overtreatment. Careful consideration of how to inform both the public and current patients about the implications of a change in terminology, including changes to patients’ follow-up [...]

Subacromial decompression surgery for adults with shoulder pain: a clinical practice guideline – Per Olav Vandvik et. al.

2023-01-11T16:13:41+11:00Musculoskeletal, Publications, Shoulder|

Do adults with atraumatic shoulder pain for more than 3 months diagnosed as subacromial pain syndrome (SAPS), also labelled as rotator cuff disease, benefit from subacromial decompression surgery? This guideline builds on to two recent high quality trials of shoulder surgery. The panel concluded that [...]

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