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So far Thomas Dakin has created 418 blog entries.

Do choosing wisely recommendations about low-value care target income-generating treatments provided by members? A content analysis of 1293 recommendations – Joshua Zadro et al.

2019-11-19T11:46:56+11:00Low-value care, Publications|

Choosing Wisely recommendations are framed in ways that lessen potential impact on the members of the society making the recommendation. Only 20% of treatment recommendations refer to income-generating treatments, and these are less likely to target members compared to non-members. Although nearly half of Choosing [...]

The benefits and harms of receiving a polycystic ovary syndrome diagnosis: A qualitative study of women’s experiences – Tessa Copp et al.

2019-11-19T11:37:47+11:00Disease labels, PCOS, Publications|

This study explored the benefits and harms of being diagnosed with PCOS for women in the community. We found that some women benefited greatly from a diagnosis of PCOS. For example, the diagnosis gave them an explanation for bothersome symptoms and a greater understanding of [...]

Delivering the right care to people with low back pain in low- and middle-income countries: the case of Nepal – Sweekriti Sharma et al.

2023-01-11T16:21:26+11:00Back pain, Low back pain, Musculoskeletal, Publications|

A recent Lancet series and World Health Organization commission have highlighted the urgent need for all nations to increase attention on delivering appropriate, affordable care for non-communicable diseases (NCDs). One of the most critically under-prioritised NCDs in Nepal is low back pain. Globally, 60.1 million [...]

Need for Randomized Trials to Support Procedural Interventions – Sweekriti Sharma, Adrian Traeger & Ian Harris

2019-10-24T09:51:16+11:00Musculoskeletal, Publications, Surgery|

The Viewpoint by Dr Wallis and colleagues1 suggested that there is a limited role for randomized trials in establishing the effectiveness of procedural interventions. Instead the authors suggested that patients, physicians, and payers might need to take a “leap of faith” regarding robotic surgery and [...]

Examining the information needed for acceptance of deintensified screening programmes: qualitative focus groups about cervical screening in Australia – Rachael Dodd et al.

2019-10-23T14:31:22+11:00Cervical Cancer, Publications, Screening|

What do women want to know about for them to feel ok about the changes to the cervical screening program? From six focus groups that we ran across Sydney with women aged 25-74, we found three key concepts that were a) important for women to [...]

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