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So far Thomas Dakin has created 418 blog entries.

BMC Health Services Research – Hospital characteristics associated with low-value care in public hospitals in New South Wales, Australia – Tim Badgery-Parker, Sallie-Anne Pearson, Adam Elshaug

2020-08-28T15:23:58+10:00Low-value care, Publications|

Rates of low-value care vary between hospitals in New South Wales, Australia. Understanding factors associated with this variation will help in understanding the drivers of low-value care and in planning initiatives to reduce low-value care.

Physical Therapy – On “‘Choose Physical Therapy’ for Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome: Clinical Management for Infants Affected by the Opioid Crisis” – Priti Kharel et al.

2020-08-28T14:45:36+10:00Opioids, Publications|

The article by McCarty and colleagues discusses neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS), including opioid withdrawal syndrome, and the use of physical therapist treatment of infants with this condition. Similar to these authors, we are concerned about the “opioid crisis” and are open to the idea that [...]

BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine – Breast density notification: evidence on whether benefit outweighs harm is required to inform future screening practice – Brooke Nickel et al.

2020-08-28T16:23:53+10:00Breast cancer, Publications, Screening|

We believe that it is imperative to have robust evidence about whether to communicate breast density information to women and, if so, how best to do it. Before this happens, there first needs to be an assessment of the balance between the benefits and harms [...]

BMJ Open – Media coverage of calls to rename low risk cancers: a content analysis – Brooke Nickel et al.

2020-08-28T14:35:49+10:00Cancer, Disease labels, Media, Publications|

The use of more medicalised labels can increase both concern about illness and the desire for more invasive treatment. This study analyses the media’s coverage of an Analysis article in The BMJ which generated a large amount of high-profile international media coverage. It aims to understand how [...]

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