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So far Thomas Dakin has created 418 blog entries.

Medical Decision Making – Authors’ response re: ‘Women’s Acceptance of Overdetection in Breast Cancer Screening: Can We Assess Harm-Benefit Tradeoffs?’ – Jolyn Hersch et al.

2020-08-28T16:00:59+10:00Breast cancer, Publications, Screening|

We read with interest Gordon and Yaffe’s letter about our article, “Women’s Acceptance of Overdetection in Breast Cancer Screening: Can We Assess Harm-Benefit Tradeoffs?” We agree with them on some points but disagree on several others.

Sexually Transmitted Infections – Levels of anxiety and distress following receipt of positive screening tests in Australia’s HPV-based cervical screening programme: a cross-sectional survey – Rachael Dodd et al.

2023-01-18T14:30:35+11:00Cervical Cancer, HPV, Publications, Screening, Women's health|

Australia is one of the first high-income countries to implement primary human papillomavirus (HPV)-based screening, ahead of the USA, UK, Canada and New Zealand. Primary HPV testing has recently become one of the recommended options for cervical screening in the USA, but patients may need [...]

BMJ Open – Effect of different communication strategies about stopping cancer screening on screening intention and cancer anxiety: a randomised online trial of older adults in Australia – Jenna Smith et al.

2023-01-18T14:10:28+11:00Ageing, Cancer, Publications, Screening|

This paper set out to assess different strategies for communicating to older adults about stopping cancer screening. We found that older adults may reduce their screening intention without reporting increased cancer anxiety when clinicians use a more confronting strategy communicating they may not live long [...]

ANZJOG – Implementing changes to cervical screening: A qualitative study with health professionals – Rachael Dodd, Helena Obermair, Kirsten McCaffery

2020-08-28T15:46:40+10:00Cervical Cancer, Publications, Screening|

Profound changes were made to the Australian National Cervical Screening Program in December 2017, which included a reduction in the frequency of screening and a new cervical screening test. To explore the attitudes and experiences of health professionals practising in Australia since implementation of these [...]

BMJ Open – Women’s experiences of the renewed National Cervical Screening Program in Australia 12 months following implementation – Rachael Dodd, Olivia Mac, Kirsten McCaffery

2020-08-28T15:43:35+10:00Cervical Cancer, Publications, Screening|

This paper sought to explore women’s experiences of the renewed National Cervical Screening Program in Australia from the perspective of women who have received different human papillomavirus (HPV) test results. Women aged 25 to 74 are now screened every 5 years with primary HPV screening.

Global Public Health – A look into the challenges and complexities of managing low back pain in Mexico – Giovanni E. Ferreira et al.

2023-01-11T16:21:12+11:00Back pain, Low back pain, Musculoskeletal, Publications, Tests|

Low back pain is a global health problem. In Mexico it is one of the most common musculoskeletal conditions as well as the leading cause of disability. This review provides an overview of the challenges and complexities of managing low back pain in Mexico.

BMJ Open – Clinician and patient beliefs about diagnostic imaging for low back pain: a systematic qualitative evidence synthesis – Sweekriti Sharma et al.

2023-01-11T16:21:16+11:00Back pain, Low back pain, Musculoskeletal, Publications, Tests|

Overuse of diagnostic imaging for patients with low back pain remains common. The underlying beliefs about diagnostic imaging that could drive overuse remain unclear. We synthesised qualitative research that has explored clinician, patient or general public beliefs about diagnostic imaging for low back pain.

PEC – Effect of information format on intentions and beliefs regarding diagnostic imaging for non-specific low back pain: A randomised controlled trial in members of the public – Sweekriti Sharma et al.

2023-01-11T16:21:19+11:00Back pain, Low back pain, Pain, Publications, Shared decision making, Tests|

This paper aimed to evaluate the effects of information format on intentions to request diagnostic imaging for non-specific low back pain in members of the public. It found that framing information to emphasise potential harms from overdiagnosis reduced intention to request diagnostic imaging for low [...]

PAIN: The Lancet Series call to action to reduce low value care for low back pain: an update – Rachelle Buchbinder et al.

2023-01-11T16:21:23+11:00Back pain, Low back pain, Pain, Publications|

The 2018 Lancet Low Back Pain Series, comprising 3 papers written by 31 authors from disparate disciplines and 12 different countries, raised unprecedented awareness of the rising global burden of low back pain partly attributable to poor quality health care. Many people with low back [...]

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