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So far Thomas Dakin has created 418 blog entries.

Views of healthcare professionals about the role of active monitoring in the management of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS): Qualitative interview study – Brooke Nickel et al.

2021-07-16T09:33:58+10:00Breast cancer, Publications|

Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) is an in-situ (pre-cancerous) breast malignancy whereby malignant cells are contained within the basement membrane of the breast ducts. Incidence has increased greatly since the introduction of organised breast screening, and DCIS now represents approximately 20% of screen-detected cancers, with [...]

Effect of information format on intentions and beliefs regarding diagnostic imaging for non-specific low back pain: A randomised controlled trial in members of the public – Sweekriti Sharma et al.

2023-01-11T16:21:02+11:00Back pain, Health literacy, Low back pain, Publications|

This study set out to evaluate the effects of information format on intentions to request diagnostic imaging for non-specific low back pain in members of the public. It found that framing information to emphasise potential harms from overdiagnosis reduced intention to request diagnostic imaging for [...]

The potential for overdiagnosis and underdiagnosis because of blood pressure variability: a comparison of the 2017 ACC/AHA, 2018 ESC/ESH and 2019 NICE hypertension guidelines

2023-01-11T15:18:20+11:00Clinical guidelines, Hypertension, Publications|

Overdiagnosis causes well people to be labelled as abnormal or diseased with possible adverse psychosocial and financial consequences, and usually results in overtreatment with possible physical harms. It may occur because of overdetection because of increased sensitivity of a new test, and/or overdefinition because of [...]

Emergency department care for low back pain: Should we adopt recommendations from primary care guidelines?

2023-01-11T16:21:06+11:00Back pain, Low back pain, Musculoskeletal, Pain, Publications|

ED visits for low back pain are increasing, but the lack of specific guidance for emergency physicians impedes evidence-based care, and adopting primary care recommendations may not be appropriate. The ED sees a different spectrum of low back pain presentations, where physicians are likely to [...]

Deprescribing Opioids in Chronic Non-cancer Pain: Systematic Review of Randomised Trials

2021-05-28T11:07:38+10:00Deprescribing, Opioids, Pain, Publications|

Deprescribing is the process of reducing or discontinuing unnecessary or harmful medicines. To address the ‘opioid epidemic’, clinical practice guidelines now discourage the initial prescription of opioid analgesics for chronic non-cancer pain and strategies such as the introduction of Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs may reduce [...]

Preference for and understanding of graphs presenting health risk information. The role of age, health literacy, numeracy and graph literacy

2023-01-18T14:10:42+11:00Ageing, Health literacy, Publications, Risk|

Active patient involvement in medical decision making has become increasingly important. This can be particularly challenging for older people, who face many, often complex, health-related decisions. Clinical guidelines need to place emphasis on both benefits and harms, to enhance a careful consideration of treatment options [...]

The effectiveness of hip arthroscopic surgery for the treatment of femoroacetabular impingement syndrome: A systematic review and meta-analysis

2021-05-28T11:01:58+10:00Musculoskeletal, Publications|

Femoroacetabular impingement syndrome (FAI) is a painful condition of the hip associated with abnormal morphologic features in the proximal femur, the acetabulum, or both, which produce excessive localised contact (impingement) during hip movements, mainly during flexion and internal rotation.

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