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So far Thomas Dakin has created 418 blog entries.

Worldwide differences in primary prevention implantable cardioverter defibrillator utilization and outcomes in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy – Victor Nauffal et al.

2021-09-20T16:04:52+10:00Cardiovascular disease, Publications|

Risk stratification algorithms for sudden cardiac death (SCD) in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) and regional differences in clinical practice have evolved over time. We sought to compare primary prevention implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) implantation rates and associated clinical outcomes in US vs. non-US tertiary HCM centres [...]

The use of computed tomography in the management of injury in tertiary emergency departments in Western Australia: Evidence of over-testing? Ninh Ha et al.

2021-09-20T15:58:46+10:00Overtesting, Publications|

This study investigated trends in computed tomography (CT) utilisation across different triage categories of injury presentations to tertiary emergency departments (EDs) and associations with diagnostic yield measured by injury severity, hospitalisation and length of stay (LOS) and mortality.

Rethinking low risk micropapillary thyroid cancer: an evidence review for recalibrating diagnostic thresholds and/or alternative labels – Tara Ma et al.

2021-09-20T15:53:18+10:00Cancer, Publications, Thyroid cancer|

Recalibrating diagnostic thresholds or using alternative labels may mitigate overdiagnosis and overtreatment of microscopic papillary thyroid cancer (mPTC). We aimed to identify and collate relevant epidemiological evidence on mPTC, to assess the case for recalibration and/or new labels.

Placebo comparator group selection and use in surgical trials: the ASPIRE project including expert workshop – David Beard et al.


The use of placebo comparisons for randomised trials assessing the efficacy of surgical interventions is increasingly being considered. However, a placebo control is a complex type of comparison group in the surgical setting and, although powerful, presents many challenges.  This study aimed to provide a [...]

Image-guided glucocorticoid injection versus injection without image guidance for shoulder pain – Joshua Zadro et al.

2021-09-20T15:22:51+10:00Musculoskeletal, Publications|

Despite widespread use, our 2012 Cochrane review did not confirm that use of imaging to guide glucocorticoid injection for people with shoulder pain improves its efficacy.  To update our review and assess the benefits and harms of image‐guided glucocorticoid injection compared to non‐image‐guided injection for [...]

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