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So far Thomas Dakin has created 418 blog entries.

Patterns of care for people presenting to Australian general practice with musculoskeletal complaints based on routinely collected data: protocol for an observational cohort study using the Population Level Analysis and Reporting (POLAR) database – Romi Haas et al.

2022-01-06T04:22:11+11:00Musculoskeletal, Primary Care, Publications|

General practice is integral to the Australian healthcare system. Outcome Health’s POpulation Level Analysis and Reporting (POLAR) database uses de-identified electronic health records to analyse general practice data in Australia. Previous studies using routinely collected health data for research have not consistently reported the codes [...]

Autologous blood and platelet-rich plasma injection therapy for lateral elbow pain – Karjalainen TV et al.

2022-01-06T04:19:18+11:00Elbow, Musculoskeletal, Publications|

Autologous whole blood or platelet‐rich plasma (PRP) injections are commonly used to treat lateral elbow pain (also known as tennis elbow or lateral epicondylitis or epicondylalgia). Based on animal models and observational studies, these injections may modulate tendon injury healing, but randomised controlled trials have [...]

Decision-making and experiences of preimplantation genetic diagnosis in inherited heart diseases: a qualitative study – Laura Yeates et al.

2022-01-06T04:16:00+11:00Cardiovascular disease, Genetic testing, Inherited Heart Disease, Publications|

Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) ensures a disease-causing variant is not passed to the next generation, including for inherited heart diseases. PGD is known to cause significant emotional burden, but little is known about how parents experience PGD to select against inherited heart disease. We aim [...]

Interventions Using Heart Age for Cardiovascular Disease Risk Communication: Systematic Review of Psychological, Behavioral, and Clinical Effects – Carissa Bonner et al.

2022-01-06T04:13:22+11:00Cardiovascular disease, Publications, Risk|

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk communication is a challenge for clinical practice, where physicians find it difficult to explain the absolute risk of a CVD event to patients with varying health literacy. Converting the probability to heart age is increasingly used to promote lifestyle change, but [...]

The role of Primary Health Networks in cardiovascular disease prevention: A qualitative interview study – Sam Cornell et al.

2022-01-06T04:11:01+11:00Cardiovascular disease, Primary Health Networks, Publications|

Since the inception of PHNs in Australia, their role in implementing chronic disease prevention activities in general practice has been unclear. This study aimed to qualitatively explore the views of PHN staff on the role of PHNs in promoting prevention, with a focus on cardiovascular [...]

Interactions with the pharmaceutical industry and the practice, knowledge and beliefs of medical oncologists and clinical haematologists: a systematic review – Pokorny AMJ et al.

2022-01-06T04:08:06+11:00Big pharma, Conflicts of interest, Publications|

A systematic review investigated interactions with the pharmaceutical industry and how these might affect the clinical practice, knowledge and beliefs of cancer physicians. There is substantial evidence of frequent relationships between cancer physicians and the pharmaceutical industry in a range of high-income countries. More research [...]

Carbon Footprint of General, Regional, and Combined Anesthesia for Total Knee Replacements – Forbes McGain

2022-01-06T04:05:28+11:00Carbon neutral, Musculoskeletal, Publications, Surgery|

Health care itself contributes to climate change. Anesthesia is a “carbon hotspot,” yet few data exist to compare anesthetic choices. The authors examined the carbon dioxide equivalent emissions associated with general anesthesia, spinal anesthesia, and combined (general and spinal anesthesia) during a total knee replacement.

Overdiagnosis is increasing the carbon footprint of healthcare – Alex Barratt & Forbes McGain

2022-01-06T04:00:45+11:00Carbon neutral, Climate change, Overdiagnosis, Publications|

The rise and rise of overdiagnosis—and its corollaries, over-testing and overtreatment—has unfolded synchronously with the health emergency caused by climate change. Climate change will drive ever more people to seek medical care for exposure to extreme heat, drought, floods, fire and extreme weather, vector borne [...]

Understanding women’s choices for management of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia 2 (CIN2): Qualitative analysis of a randomised experimental study – Keers G et al.

2022-01-06T03:56:42+11:00Cancer, Cervical Cancer, Publications, Women's health|

When presented with balanced information on the benefits and harms of different management options for CIN2 and given a choice, most women in this hypothetical situation chose active surveillance over surgery. Addressing women’s concerns about active surveillance may open up the possibility that if deemed [...]

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