About Lucia Marcello

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So far Lucia Marcello has created 326 blog entries.

Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of an individualised, progressive walking and education intervention for the prevention of low back pain recurrence in Australia (WalkBack): a randomised controlled trial – Natasha C Pocovi et al.

2024-07-30T15:46:47+10:00Back pain, Low back pain, Musculoskeletal, Pain, Physiotherapy, Publications, Randomised Control Trial (RCT), Treatment|

Recurrence of low back pain is common and a substantial contributor to the disease and economic burden of low back pain. Exercise is recommended to prevent recurrence, but the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of an accessible and low-cost intervention, such as walking, is yet to be [...]

Estimating the magnitude and healthcare costs of melanoma in situ and thin invasive melanoma overdiagnosis in Australia – Daniel Lindsay et al.

2024-07-30T15:40:18+10:00Cancer, Melanoma, Overdiagnosis, Overtreatment, Publications, Risk|

Research suggests a high proportion of melanoma in situ (MIS) may be overdiagnosed, potentially contributing to overtreatment, patient harm and inflated costs for individuals and healthcare systems. However, Australia-wide estimates of the magnitude of melanoma overdiagnosis are potentially outdated and there has been no estimation of the [...]

Clinical indicators to monitor health care in low back pain: a scoping review – Vanessa L Dos Santos et al.

2024-07-30T15:39:34+10:00Back pain, Clinical quality, Imaging, Low back pain, Musculoskeletal, Publications, Treatment|

Clinical care indicators for low back pain can be used to monitor healthcare practices and consequently be used to evaluate success of strategies to improve care quality. The aim of this study was to identify the clinical care indicators that have been used to measure [...]

Factors associated with private or public breast cancer screening attendance in Queensland, Australia: A retrospective cross-sectional study – Tong Li et al.

2024-07-30T12:16:47+10:00Breast cancer, Cancer, Publications, Screening, Women's health|

This study aimed to estimate participation in private breast screening in Queensland, Australia, where public-funded screening is implemented, and to identify factors associated with the screening setting, using an online survey (999 female respondents aged 40-74). Screening-specific and socio-demographic factors were collected. Multivariable logistic regression [...]

Use of digital patient decision-support tools for atrial fibrillation treatments: a systematic review and meta-analysis – Aileen Zeng et al.

2024-07-30T12:15:28+10:00Cardiac arrhythmia, Cardiovascular disease, Decision aids, Publications, Shared decision making, Treatment|

Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common cardiac arrhythmia and a key risk factor for embolic stroke and heart failure, with an increasing global burden as the population continues to age. AF treatment involves stroke prevention, symptom management, and cardiovascular and comorbidity optimisation. Treatment decisions [...]

Mammography Screening Preferences Among Screening-Eligible Women in Their 40s : A National U.S. Survey – Laura D Scherer et al.

2024-07-30T12:06:55+10:00Breast cancer, Cancer, Decision aids, Publications, Screening, Shared decision making, Women's health|

The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recently changed its recommendation for mammography screening from informed decision making to biennial screening for women aged 40 to 49 years. Although many women welcome this change, some may prefer not to be screened at age 40 years. [...]

A Decision Aid for Patients Considering Surgery for Sciatica: Codesign and User-Testing With Patients and Clinicians – Julie Ayre et al.

2024-07-30T12:06:25+10:00Decision aids, Health literacy, Musculoskeletal, Pain, Publications, Shared decision making, Surgery, Treatment|

Surgery can help patients with leg pain caused by sciatica recover faster, but by 12 months outcomes are similar to nonsurgical management. For many the decision to have surgery may require reflection, and patient decision aids are an evidence-based clinical tool that can help guide [...]

Breast cancer screening from age 40 in the US – Katy JL Bell et al.

2024-07-30T11:45:58+10:00Breast cancer, Cancer, Health policy, Overdiagnosis, Publications, Risk, Screening, Women's health|

The US Preventive Services Task Force has updated its recommendation for the age when all women should start mammography screening, lowering it from 50 to 40. This change immediately affects more than 20 million American women and other people assigned female at birth who are [...]

Improving how we determine who should take blood pressure and lipid-lowering medications – Jenny Doust

2024-07-30T11:37:55+10:00Cardiovascular disease, Clinical guidelines, Hypertension, Publications, Risk, Treatment|

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk equations are useful to guide treatment decisions for blood pressure and lipid-lowering medications because they identify patients who are at high risk of CVD but do not have either blood pressure or cholesterol measurements above the levels when considering treatment as [...]

Restoring microvascular circulation with diagnostic ultrasound and contrast agent: rationale and design of the REDUCE trial – Prajith Jeyaprakash et al.

2024-07-30T10:39:40+10:00Cardiovascular disease, Imaging, Publications, Randomised Control Trial (RCT), Treatment|

This study aims to evaluate the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of sonothrombolysis delivered pre and post primary percutaneous coronary intervention (pPCI) on infarct size assessed by cardiac MRI, in patients presenting with STEMI, when compared against sham procedure. More than a half of patients with successful [...]

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